Our youth diversion program
Our youth diversion “Pathways to Success” program is designed specifically for court-involved young adults between the ages of 17 – 24. Programming includes a myriad of on-site supports that offer paid on-site internships, wrap-around services, mental health counseling, educational services, field trips, financial and digital literacy classes, job training and employment opportunities. We provide a powerful and effective combination of services to prevent further court involvement and success. For more information please contact us.
Advancing education and wellness
Year-Round HiSET/GED Classes
Paid HiSET testing and transportation to/from test center
Academic advising for job training programs & post-secondary education
On-site paid internships for our most at-risk students
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)/Minndfulness
Assistance with IDs, MassHealth, food stamps, clothing
Court advocacy, mitigation, and financial assistance with some fines and fees
Preparing for post-secondary education, job trainings, secured housing
Student led mentoring program
Housing assistance for all age groups including working through the Youth Flex Fund / Food assistance
Financial assistance with obtaining MA ID and licenses, re-instating phone access
Financial literacy classes
Career exploration
2-month postgraduate internship to achhieve stability in housing, education, employment
Professionalism Classes
Mock interviews/ job training role playing
College/technical school tours and Job training through virtual software
Paid internships with on-site work training
Financial and digital literacy classes and training