
All services are free / Todos los servicios son gratis.

Monday - Friday 09:30am - 04:30pm / Saturday - Sunday Closed

CAE Program
Lori D'Alleva
Program Director

Everything related to the Charlestown Adult Education program.

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HSE Programming
Marilyn Ginberg
Assistant Director of HSE Programming

Post-Secondary Education.

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 ESOL Programming
Karen Ierardi
Assistant Director of ESOL Programming

English Classes

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Reentry / Wrap-Around Services
Sheila Abbott
Lead Case Manager

Housing applications, IDs, Permits, Birth Certificates, Notary Services, RMV appointments, SNAP applications, Masshealth applications and other ancillary services.

Click here to check the list of services.

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Workforce Services
Jerrard Twitty
Career Advisor / Outreach Coordinator

Resume development, post-secondary education and career advancement, connections to workforce development and trainings, cori-friendly employment.

Click here to check the list of services

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Servicios en español
Heriberto Hernández
Case Manager 

Soporte en español para todos los servicios.

Click aquí para ver la lista de servicios

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Financial Services
Jeffrey Malkin
Financial Advisor/FAFSAs/Taxes

Tax Appointments

Click here to check the list of documents to bring

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